February 23, 2025

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

By Elizabeth Johnson

Dear Friends,

As we head into Thanksgiving week and prepare to gather with our loved ones and enjoy the fruits of a nation of plenty, I want to invite you to pray with me for our nation.

As has become taboo to appreciate, the first Thanksgiving was a time in which the Pilgrims had much to give thanks for, after great struggle and miraculous survival.

The hand of God has always been on our nation, but while He has often blessed us with incredible provision and prosperity, it is a revival of His ways that we need most right now!

Please join me in prayer:

Dear Lord,
This season we have many reasons to give thanks to you. For Your Word and for Your sacrifice on the cross and for the worldwide body of believers we have to fellowship and worship with you together.

Many of us are so blessed Lord, with warm houses, loving families, and plenty to eat, and we praise you Lord for the abundance we enjoy. We offer prayers for those who do not enjoy abundance and trust that You are also with them and have them covered in Your wings.

But we know Lord that our nation has sinned grievously against You, and that we, Your body, have been far too willing to sit in the safety of our church pews as Your laws are crushed, Your name is cursed, and truth and justice are destroyed.

We are sorry for allowing nature to be twisted by the enemies of Your Word. We are so sorry for sitting idly by as children are being killed in their mother’s wombs. We are grieved that children in schools are being taught to hate their flesh so much that they mutilate and permanently disrupt the natural functions of their own bodies, attacking Your greatest creation.

We weep for the world we are in danger of leaving for future generations, Lord, and we pray that you would put a fire in our hearts for Your Word and revive our hearts again.

Your Saints need Your power to rise up and declare Your truth, both Your divine judgment and Your immeasurable mercy in the work of the cross. Let Your light shine brightly from our hearts Lord, as we minister to the brokenhearted and declare the only truth that can melt hearts of stone–Your truth.

Please encourage us, Lord, keep us safe, and gird our loins with Your divine truth that will never change. Grant us boldness to be faithful witnesses for You.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,
