January 18, 2025

About Your Health

There are some things I want to share with you all because I believe it’s important.  Knowlege is power and I spend a decent amount of time each week listening to, or reading things about health.  One person I’ve listened to this past week is an oncologist by the name of Doctor William Li.  He has been able to cure some people without chemo therapy, using immunotherapy, a treatment that uses the body’s immune system to help fight cancer by identifying and attacking cancer cells. .  I’m going to post a video below by him which is rather long, over an hour actually but worth every second.  He also wrote a book called “Eat To Beat Disease”, which I plan on purchasing at some point.  One of the reasons I think this is so important is because of this;

Yes, the risk of developing cancer increases with age. This is because cancer is caused by cell damage, and the longer a person lives, the more time there is for that damage to accumulate. The rate of cancer incidence increases steadily as people age, and the median age for a cancer diagnosis is 66 years old. However, it’s not uncommon to be diagnosed with cancer before age 50.”

However immunotherapy only works in 20% of people and one of the reasons it works is these people have a certain bacteria in their gut.  You get this bacteria by eating or drinking pomegranates, or pom juice.  This is one thing I learned from the video I’m going to post.  Once in a while I will post things on health because it’s important and because the people here have been in relationship with me and others a long time.  Even though we don’t get together I still consider you all friends.  I want my friends to be healthy.

I got this email from Dr Li this morning, copied below;

Hi Genie,

There are countless recipes circulating the internet that center around broccoli. Sure, broccoli has a lot of wonderful health benefits. But broccoli sprouts, the young form of the common cruciferous vegetable, are even more impressive in many ways. Broccoli sprouts are typically only a few days old and their seeds have only just begun to germinate. Despite being young, these little greens boast numerous powerful properties.

The most relevant benefit of broccoli sprouts is their ability to enhance immune function. They contain sulforaphane – a natural bioactive compound that helps to activate the immune system against viruses. In a clinical study, subjects were given a flu vaccine and after, half of the subjects were given a broccoli sprout shake to drink each day. Those who drank the shake proved to have more effective immune protection against viruses.

Along with boosting immune function, broccoli sprouts are also loaded with antioxidants, such as glucoraphanin, that help your body fight illnesses and prevent cancer. Broccoli sprouts are significantly more effective in protecting the body against cancer than mature broccoli. The compounds within these impressive sprouts can also help to balance hormones, improve insulin resistance, reduce symptoms of PMS, support digestion, and may even restore a brain chemistry imbalance linked to schizophrenia.

I recommend adding raw sprouts to smoothies or using them to top salads and avocado toast, because they lose nutritional quality when they are cooked.

Broccoli Sprout Smoothie


  • 1 cup almond or soy milk (or other dairy or nondairy milk of choice)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
  • 1 handful broccoli sprouts (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • Optional: Add 1 tsp honey for sweetness

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and pulse until smooth

I hope you enjoy this quick and easy recipe that is designed to jumpstart your health journey. You’ll be hearing more from me soon.

Love your food to love your health,

Dr. William Li