February 23, 2025

How scripture gets twisted…

A text without a context becomes a pretext for a proof text

The problem is that deconstructing Scripture this way fundamentally corrupts its message. When we treat Scripture thus, when we lift passages out of their context, even under the context of “applying them,” we change the message of the text. Any (biblical) text, without a (its historical, grammatical, canonical, and literary) context, is a pretext (an opportunity falsely taken) for a proof-text (a text abused by a preacher or Bible study leader to make a point that is not actually being made by the text itself). Historically, the most frequent result of the abuse of Scripture this way is to make the text to be about “me” or “us” rather than about Christ (however revealed in the text), his objective moral law, his saving acts and Word, and his church (in whatever epoch of redemptive history). Scripture is not, in the first instance about “us” or “me.” In the first instance Scripture is about God And the Lord Jesus Christ. It is about creation, redemption, and consummation. It’s about the progress of redemptive history and revelation. It’s about the salvation of his people, Israel, in Christ. We, the body of Christ, come into the story rather late. It has massive implications for us. We do have to find ourselves in the story that God has written but it is great mistake to make the text about us.