February 23, 2025

Letting Go

This is a hard one for me to write but nevertheless needs to be written. I believe this site has been stagnant for some time now.  New people are not coming.  I am feeling burned out as I have posted for years now, and sometimes in the beginning posting two OP’s every day.  Unless some miracle happens I will be letting this site go when our time is up in June.  I will continue to post until then.  The Lord will have to give me a good shake if He wants me to continue with it.  I don’t believe I’m helping anyone now.  I think for many of us it’s become a routine.  We have formed some relationships with people which is good.  There was a need for CAC in the beginning and we were thriving.  Many people were coming to the site.  It’s dropped off considerably over the years. We can’t seem to get new people interested in coming in.

If someone wants to continue with the site I will support that and visit from time to time.  I have offered a certain sum of money for continuation which I will honor, but after that I am done.
I am currently on a social media site called Quora and they send me questions which I answer.  Many questions are about witchcraft, spells, tarot cards and such. I am able to give scripture, and tell people how they are opening the door to demonic influences.  Many are so ignorant of God’s word. I don’t know who takes my advice but I believe I am helping some to turn away from this.  The point is I believe I’m helping.  The people who are left on CAC are mature Christians, set in their doctrines.
I don’t think most people realize how much work WYLAT has put into this site, posting movies, documentaries, issues with computers, coming up with daily OP’s, so please appreciate him.  I don’t think any of us have taken advantage of all the work he’s done.
Nothing is written in stone but I think my work here is done.  I love you all.