March 25, 2025

Site info

Hello, and welcome to Calling all Christians.

We here at CAC post articles on a variety of topics, from around the web. We have a daily open thread, in which you are free to post what you wish.

The open thread is there for open conversation, and to give the ability to post a personal OP within.

There are those who have stopped by here and come close to demanding what is to be done here. To those, I suggest, if you are not comfortable here, it is time to move on. You do not go to other sites demanding what the administrators do there. Do not do it here, and expect to remain for very long. If CAC is not your cup of tea, there are plenty others to go to.

If you should stay however……

We hope you enjoy your time here.

If you should get upvoted by a spambot or receive a comment from one. Please go to the following page for instructions on what to do……

New round of spambots, and what to do.