March 24, 2025

Site News


To post comments to the site, you must first set up a Disqus account.
That can be done

To post a picture with disqus, please go to “following with disqus” Click on the link there. When you reach the page that pops up, find the post you want to add a picture to. Click on the icon for adding a picture, and you should be good to go.

All browsers at this time seem to work with Disqus. If you run into a problem, please contact us via the contact page.

Browsers which use a Google base search engine seem to have problems from time to time. If you should visit the site, and not be able to see the current days posts, it could very well be your browser. Refreshing may fix the problem. If not, try a different browser without a Google search engine.

There will be some new updates as we go along. All new updates will be posted here.


You can now see the 20 newest disqus comments. Just click on the link in the menu bar, and there you go. To go to comment in link, just click on the date (bottom right) at the end of the comment you are interested in.

New Updates!! 

Strong’s Concordance link and Video’s page with links has been added to the Menu.

There is also a video section with some great teaching videos.

New Update!!

There is now a Prepper page in the menu. If you have anything you would like to add, contact us, and we will take a look at it.