March 15, 2025

Site Rules

Calling All Christians is a Christ centered, Christ led Forum. As such, we expect proper interaction between those who visit here. If any have come for a fight, you have come to the wrong place. It is time for you to leave.

As a Christian site, we believe in freedom of speech. That is, unless that freedom is used to belittle, harass, target or attack another. If this takes place, you will be contacted by a Moderator (Mod). You will be warned twice, the third time will result in either a time out (temporary ban), or you will be banned. Either of these actions will be at the discretion of the Moderator.

Name calling will not be tolerated. If a disagreement should happen, in which the discussion becomes heated, both parties will be asked to take a break, in order to let cooler heads prevail. If the arguing persists, both parties may be given a time out, or banned (at mods discretion).

Blocking a Moderator is grounds for an instant Ban from the site.

Let’s have some meaningful discussion that edifies one another, and edifies Christ most of all.

To God be the Glory!

The CAC Team.