February 26, 2025

Stay Calm, Christian

keeping calm in faith


There’s so much going on. So so so much. And all I want to tell you is to hold on. To stay calm. To breathe.

I remember getting close to having my first baby and wondering about labor pains. I asked what it felt like so I could get prepared; what kind of pain were we talking?

One of the responses that helped most was to trust my body, remember to breathe and stay as calm as possible through each contraction, allowing it to pass. Hm. Ok. Will do.

And then I went into labor.

Discomfort intensified. And when the first true pain moved through me, I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Then attempted to curl up in a ball on that cold, white hospital floor. No… I needed to get back to the bed. It would feel safer, more comfortable.

But back in bed didn’t make the pain stop. I felt it everywhere and in panic grabbed the bed’s side rails to brace it, fight it, withstand it. And it felt like I was doing something worthwhile.

But a nurse saw me and came over. She looked at me straight and said, “The calmer you stay, the less it will hurt.”

And I never forgot that.

Because at that moment I wanted to roll my eyes and push away her chilly advice, but my brain matched together all the many ways I’ve heard those words.

Breathe. Focus on your breath.

Trust your body; it knows what to do.

Turn your eyes to the Lord. Stay the course.

I loosened my grip slowly and breathed through my nose. Shaking.

And in that moment of utter weakness the real fight began–not to stop the process, but to move in it, calmly. Focused. With purpose and confidence. In total and unashamed faith. Gentleness and boldness.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)


Brothers and sister in Christ, whatever you are facing today, struggling with right now… do your best to stay calm as you move through it.

Because at any moment, even this one, we can go back to the start, and trust in the Lord above all others. Trust in His word above any man or woman’s word. Keep our hearts straight and clear and in His hands above all others. It may not make the pain stop right now, but it will allow us to abide in a safe place while we move through it. It will allow us the discernment to make decisions calmly, to choose thoughts clearly, to use words wisely.

To be brave and do what needs to be done.

To push through until we get to the end. Because in the end there is God; just like in the beginning.

So stay calm, Christian. And carry on.

God bless you!

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)