February 25, 2025


Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

Our culture most certainly recognizes Christmas as the season of giving. Believers and unbelievers alike see it as a time of gifting, celebrating, and gathering with friends and family—a time when we overload our schedules with events and obligations, when we make lists and worry about the right gift or about having to get another gift. In the midst of all the bustle, for many, it’s also a time of depression, loneliness, despondency, and discouragement. Why? Because we buy into the message of our secular, commercialized culture that turns Christmas into a carnival—a time of superficial indulgence—rather than the deeply satisfying, soul-awakening celebration it truly is.

The holy God, who is from everlasting to everlasting (see Psalm 90:2), who does not need anything from us, not praise nor love nor sacrifices (see Acts 17:24-25), created the universe from the outpouring of His love, which has existed from eternity between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He made us to enjoy Him—to partake of His divine love and enjoy abundant life in His presence. And when, in the Garden of Eden, humanity rejected Him—God was yet faithful, promising a Savior to redeem mankind to Himself. Christmas is the celebration of the fulfillment of this incredible promise of grace and love. Jesus, God the Son, emptied Himself and was born as a baby to die on a cross to give you His glory forever. Let us celebrate.

Prayer: Father, thank You that though I and all humanity rejected You, You pursued us out of Your love. There is no love like Yours. I am in awe that the holy God would come for me. Help me worship You in this season and more deeply celebrate the wonder of Christmas, when God came down. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else” (Acts 17:25).

Leading The Way