February 23, 2025

This is powerful.

I went to youtube this morning, for an entirely different reason. On the side, I saw this link for a “Yom Kippur” service. I thought that I would take a look for a minute or two. I stayed much longer. This was a live stream.
By the end of it, I had come to a couple conclusions. The first being, I was meant to see this. The second…. If there is anything that embodies Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, this is it. It’s rather long, and I hope you can spare the time to watch it all.
Yom Kippur Shacharit

One of the phrases used in this, is Lashon hara. Lashon hara is the halakhic term for derogatory speech about a person, which emotionally or financially damages them or lowers them in the estimation of others. Lashon hara differs from defamation in that lashon hara is truthful speech rather than lies.