February 24, 2025

What does the Word “Gospel” mean?

GOS’PEL, noun

The history of the birth, life, actions, death, resurrection, ascension and doctrines of Jesus Christ; or a revelation of the grace of God to fallen man through a mediator, including the character, actions, and doctrines of Christ, with the whole scheme of salvation, as revealed by Christ and his apostles. This gospel is said to have been preached to Abraham, by the promise, ‘in thee shall all nations be blessed.’ Galatians 3:8.

1. God’s word.

2. Divinity; theology.

3. Any general doctrine.

GOS’PEL, verb transitive To instruct in the gospel; or to fill with sentiments of religion.

Webster’s 1828

The Koine Greek  word “euuangelion”, which means “good news” or in other variations “glad tidings”., is translated to our English word “gospel”.

Gospel came from the Gothic word “goodspel”, when writing this for earlier translations, the two “o’s” in the word were shaped like mouths, so the intention was to show plurality in speak, as to represent the Godhead.

It would be this: out of the mouths of God comes the letters that make up the words of the Godhead. This was too close to allegorizing the scriptures so the translators that came after them dropped that premise.

Let’s do an example of applying the meaning of the word gospel this way:

The gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ.

The gospel (God’s word) of Jesus Christ.

Which has the more meaning to describe these sentence’s ?

So, yes, the proclamation of Jesus Christ is good news, it is glad tidings, but most important it is God’s word that has the power to proclaim that!